Sex Crimes

Has someone accused you of sexual assault or another sex crime? If so, you need an experienced attorney now. Austin attorney Scott C. Smith has been defending people like you for over 30 years. With his expertise and attention to your individual situation, you can fight the charges confidently. 

What is a sex crime?

A sex crime is any offense that involves illegal sexual conduct. For example, here are some of the sex crimes commonly prosecuted in Texas:

  • Aggravated sexual assault
  • Sexual assault
  • Indecent exposure
  • Indecency with a child
  • Possession or distribution of child pornography
  • Failure to register as a sex offender
  • Prostitution

Sex crimes can be misdemeanors or felonies, prosecuted under Texas or federal law. In fact, even consensual sex can violate sex crime laws. Regardless of the circumstances, a conviction can impact your life a lot. From prison time to big fines to sex offender registration, sex crime penalties are heavy. Fortunately, a good attorney can advocate for you and help you get the best possible outcome.

How can Scott C. Smith help? 

If you have been accused of a sex crime, then you know how serious and devastating such charges can be.  In some cases, charges are based on flimsy evidence or are poorly investigated. As a result, many people face false or trumped-up charges. Whether the accusations are true or not, every person has a right to fair representation. Good representation is especially important when charges are based on emotionally difficult or disputed experiences. If you have a good attorney, they can help make sure you are treated fairly and work with you to attain the best outcome possible. Without skilled defense, you are more likely to face consequences like prison time and sex offender registration.

For the representation you deserve, call (512) 474-6484.